Secretariat Decisions September 2016 – September 2017

List of decisions made by Waterford PPN Secretariat September 2016 – September 2017

The Secretariat undertook a Training Needs Analysis which resulted in a tailored Training programme for 2017. Training courses are running until the end of the year when the Secretariat will review the programme and consider a programme for 2018.

A successful 2016 Community & Voluntary Awards night – 76 nominations – charity on the night was the Little Sister of the Poor – they received a cheque for €1,200 in December 2016.

The Secretariat commissioned a consultant to work with a Secretariat subcommittee to design a PPN welcome pack. The Information Packs are readily available and copies have been sent to all Councillors, senior Council Officials and elected PPN representatives. There was an official launch

The monthly PPN newsletter has proved a success.

A Service Level Agreement between Waterford PPN and Waterford City and County Council has been signed (in June 2017). This regularises the roles and responsibilities of the respective parties.

Regular management meetings between a PPN management subcommittee and senior Council officials, covering such issues as timings of Council meetings (to enable volunteers who may have full time jobs to attend meetings), HR, Community & Voluntary Awards, the Service Level Agreement, finance and reporting (PPN funding and reporting come from the Department via the Council), timely issues of meeting documentation, poor communication between the Council and Community Groups, the impact of the Council doing away with Community Officers.

PPN Coordinators now have signed employment contracts.

The Department (recently remodeled as the Department of Rural and Community Development) issued updated Guidelines for PPNs. The Secretariat formed a subcommittee to ensure the Waterford PPN complies with the new Guidelines.

A Secretariat subcommittee prepared a set of Election Procedures for future PPN elections.

There is also now a Communications Strategy for all PPN representatives.

Conclusion and recommendation

The Secretariat recommend that the PPN Plenary approve the list of decisions detailed above. They reflect many hours of work by both staff and the voluntary members of the Secretariat. The Secretariat are however satisfied with the progress to date and Waterford PPN continues to compare favourably to most PPNs around the country.

PPN Secretariat

September 2017